Physio Quote:- “Structure without function is a corpse” – Karen Warren
Speech Quote:- “Blindness separates people from things; deafness separates people from people.” – Helen Keller
Audiology & Speech therapy
In our continuous efforts to improve our quality of services, we found that many of our children who were given speech therapy last year did get improvement in their condition as per our in house monitoring system. However,in our discussion with experts we found that the result would be much better if the specific needs of children with hearing and speech disabilities are assessed in detail and suitable and comprehensive remedial measures are taken. It was also gathered that unless the hearing impairment/loss is properly diagnosed, assessed and taken care in detail, speech development will be much lower than the desired level in hearing and speech impaired children.
In order to do that we have created following facilities to:
- Diagnose the cause – whether congenital, acquired, traumatic, surgical, drug induced etc.
- Type of loss and whether surgery could help
- Ascertain the degree of hearing loss
- Decide whether speech therapy could be given
- Decide if & to what extent the hearing aid will be beneficial
- Select a suitable hearing aid
- Carryout programming in the programmable hearing aids(programmable hearing aids are needed for children with profound/sensory neural hearing loss since in such children pocket hearing aids does not help as its range is very low and sound quality & frequency range also being very limited)
- Decide if cochlear implant is needed.
We have also appointed a full time specialist who is qualified for conducting the required audiology test and give training in speech therapy after carrying out proper assessment and ascertaining the actual need of each hearing impaired child.
After getting the necessary audiology tests done remedial measures to take care the hearing problems are taken and then speech therapy is being given to the children with hearing impairment.